Icon  Name                           Last modified      Size  Description
[PARENTDIR] Parent Directory - [   ] 19-Apr-2001.pdf 2004-07-24 01:00 182K GeekOS - A template for booting and running programs on an x86 PC [   ] 40.pdf 2005-02-26 00:00 253K Executable source code and non-executable source code: analysis and relationships [TXT] asm2bin.txt 2004-11-25 00:00 4.1K [   ] bbspec.pdf 2005-03-04 00:00 179K [TXT] bios_var.txt 2005-08-30 01:00 8.9K [TXT] biosstrt.txt 2004-07-24 01:00 3.2K BIOS/PC Startup Information [   ] ch1-p1.pdf 2004-08-01 01:00 107K Systeme de Gestion des Fichiers : Concepts Avances (I) [   ] ch1-p2.pdf 2004-08-01 01:00 60K Systeme de Gestion des Fichiers : Concepts Avances (II) [   ] ch1-p3.pdf 2004-08-01 01:00 95K Systeme de Gestion des Fichiers : Concepts Avances (III) [   ] ch2.pdf 2004-08-01 01:00 125K Creation et ordonnancement de Processus [   ] ch3-p1.pdf 2004-08-01 01:00 128K Synchronisation de Processus (I) [   ] ch3-p2.pdf 2004-08-01 01:00 145K Synchronisation de Processus (II) [   ] ch4.pdf 2004-08-01 01:00 65K Les Signaux [   ] ch5.pdf 2004-08-01 01:00 71K Echange de donnees entre Processus : les Tubes et les Verrous [   ] ch6.pdf 2004-08-01 01:00 97K Communication entre Processus : les IPC [TXT] chemin.txt 2005-08-30 01:00 76K [   ] cours_sysexp.pdf 2004-07-24 01:00 33K Cours sur les systemes d'exploitation [   ] fat16.pdf 2005-03-04 00:00 246K [   ] fat32.pdf 2005-03-04 00:00 349K [   ] gestion_processus.pdf 2005-03-06 00:00 301K Systèmes d'exploitation : Gestion des processus [   ] ipc.pdf 2005-06-01 01:00 142K Interprocess Communication [   ] memory.pdf 2005-06-01 01:00 103K Memory Management [   ] ordonnancement.pdf 2005-06-01 01:00 501K Ordonnancement dans un systeme multiprocessus [   ] paper974.pdf 2005-02-26 00:00 355K Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition Security Implementation [   ] polyarch.pdf 2005-05-09 01:00 450K [   ] presentation_libreast_2004.pdf 2004-10-20 01:00 381K Fonctionnement des systemes d'exploitation (KOS) [TXT] stack.html 2004-10-29 01:00 20K [TXT] usstack1.htm 2004-10-29 01:00 28K [TXT] usstack2.htm 2004-10-29 01:00 27K